Friday, December 14, 2007

The Hunger Site Kicks Ass!

Helllloooo my peoples!

I ran into this site that I wanted to tell you guys about. It's called the Hunger Site, and it basically kicks ass.

There is a big yellow button on this site that everyone should go to immediately and click on! Each time you click this button a Hunger Site sponsor's ad is shown. All the money generated by the sale of these ads goes into a big pot that provides food to hungry people...hmmm my stomach just growled! haha just kidding!

Really, 100% of the money from these advertisers goes to the Hunger Site's charity partners, who fund programs to provide food to the hungry. You can only click once a day from each computer you use. Today I clicked and donated 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. Yah!

Here's the link: The Hunger Site

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